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Fostering Resilience for Food Security

Droughts, floods, changing rainfall patterns, and other extreme weather events put vulnerable communities at risk. With improved access to climate information, new technologies, and advanced land and water management techniques, vulnerable communities are receiving the tools they need to feed their families today, tomorrow and into the future. This service line addresses the risks of climate change across the value chain – especially agricultural products that are important to food and nutrition security. The main areas of work include pre-production and input management; capacity to provide and apply climate information services; production and diversified integrated systems; and post-production offerings including the provision of financial services and access to markets.


A Green Climate Fund-financed project in Zambia is helping farmers to adapt to increased floods and droughts with field schools, advanced climate-resilient planting techniques, and new business opportunities, with support from UNDP.

Pilot island communities are seeing positive changes as a result of a GEF-LDCF funded project dedicated to enhancing food security in the context of accelerating global climate change.

With the backing of the Global Environment Facility-Least Developed Countries Fund and UNDP, this project addresses the issue of declining coastal ecosystems and food security due to climate change.


The UNDP Green Commodities Programme exists to improve the national, economic, social, and environmental performance of agricultural commodity sectors.

The purpose of this centre is to provide a fast-tracked, demand-driven mechanism for African countries to access grant resources that support policies, initiatives, and best practices on climate change, food security, access to water, and clean energy, accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Agriculture is socio-economic backbone of rural landscapes employing an estimated 2.5 billion people. Over the 20th century food and agriculture commodity production and consumption has grown largely at the cost of negative externalities that led to social inequalities and environmental degradation.  

A Menu of Solutions to Feed Nearly 10 Billion People by 2050