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Thematic area


Climate Information and Early Warning Systems

Through this service line, UNDP is protecting lives and livelihoods, providing people with the information they need to thrive, and enhancing evidence-based decision-making. The main areas of work include reducing reliance on one type of technology, developing shared databases, involving communities in product design, information sharing within and between countries, developing of climate information infrastructure, climate information dissemination, and value chain development, capacity-building for modeling and forecasting, use of alternative technologies, private sector engagement, digitization of historical records, and impact of warnings and advisories on livelihoods and behavior.


Participatory climate services, advanced lightning detection, solar-powered weather stations, and other advanced technologies are saving lives and building resilience in Malawi through this Green Climate Fund-financed project.

Real time data gathered from new automatic weather stations will be key to improving early warning messages to at-risk communities in the mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

With support from the Green Climate Fund, Georgia has been strengthening the country’s outdated observational network, ensuring the authorities and communities can better anticipate, prepare for, and respond to disasters.


SOFF is a specialized fund co-created by WMO, UNDP and UNEP to close the climate and weather observations data gap in countries with the most severe shortfalls in observations, prioritizing Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States. It is a foundational element and delivery vehicle of the global ‘Early Warnings for All’ initiative.

Launched at the UN Climate Action Summit in September 2019, the REAP brings together an unprecedented range of stakeholders across the climate, humanitarian, and development communities with the aim of making 1 billion people safer from disaster by 2025.